Designed around upon the FBAS comprehensive list of commonly-kept species, these Care Sheets are categorised as those found in FBAS Show Classes.

Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.


                                              Danios                     01/06/2000

Species: Danios, Devarios and White Cloud Mountain Minnows.

Family: Cyprinidae

Geographic Origin: S/East Asia, India and South China.

Common Names: Zebra, Spotted, Leopard and Giant Danios.
                        White Cloud Mountain Minnows.

Compatibility: Generally active fish that are best kept in a shoal of at least
                      six fish. Not aggressive towards one another or to tankmates.
                      A good beginners fish.

Minimum Aquarium Size : The small Danios and WCMM's can be kept in an
                                      450mm x 250mm x 250mm (18" x 10" x 10")
                                      aquarium. An aquarium of 600 x 380 x 300mm
                                      (24" x 15" x 12") is suitable for the larger species
                                       such as the Giant Danio and Danio dangila.
                                      An even larger tank will bemore beneficial.
                                      Aquariums should have well-fitting hoods and cover
                                       glasses. These fish can jump extremely well.

Temperature: Ideal temperature is around 18oC/65oF. They are quite happy
                     at lower temperatures.

Habitat: Likes a well planted community tank, with a gravel substrate and
              water movement – particularly from the outlet of an internal filter.

Water Parameters: Tolerant to soft and hard water. Will breed in both.
                             Water change of approximately 25% each week is
                             beneficial if not essential.

Health: Generally not over susceptible to White Spot or fungus. As with
            all new fish, quarantine for at least one week in a separate tank.
            Any fish that appears sick, immediately isolate in a separate tank.
            Do not flush dead fish down the toilet. Incinerate or wrap in paper
            and put in the dustbin.

Diet : Omnivorous: These fish will accept dried, frozen and all types of live
          food (e.g. Daphnia, mosquito larvae). Do not overfeed. Many problems
          can be caused by overfeeding (pollution of water by decaying food).

Plants: All species of tropical plants are acceptable. Not plant eaters.

Breeding Notes : Scatter non-adhesive eggs, so a layer of marbles on
                         the tank floor makes an excellent egg-trap to prevent adults
                         from eating them. Can be spawned as a shoal rather than just
                         as a simple pair.

Availability: Widely available. Only select fish that are alert and swimming
                    with fins erect. Inspect carefully for signs of disease.
                    Reject lethargic, damaged or hollow bellied specimens.

Show Class: FBAS Class K for most, but WCMM now shown in Class W.

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Last updated October 2016