Designed around upon the FBAS comprehensive list of commonly-kept species, these Care Sheets are categorised as those found in FBAS Show Classes.

Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.


                                                   Killifish                 01/06/2000

Genera: Aphyosemion, Aplocheilus, Cynolebias, Epiplatys, Nothobranchius.

Family: Aplocheilidae, Cyprinodontidae.

Geographic origin: North & South America, Africa, Asia and Southern Europe.

Common Names: Very few have common names. Aplocheilus lineatus (gold form)
                         is known as the 'Golden Wonder'.

Compatibility: Few killifish are kept in community tanks. Usually they are kept
                      as single species. This is often because the females of one
                      species are not readily distinguished from a close relative
                      species. Research prior to purchase is recommended.

Minimum Aquarium Size: Pairs of Killifish can be easily kept in small aquaria
                                     e.g. 250mm x 200mm x 200mm (10” x 8” x 8”).
                                     Only a very few large killifish require large tanks.

Temperature: Undemanding. Temperatures may range from 20o/30oC
                     68o/86oF, some have very specific requirements and more
                     research is necessary to establish what these requirements are.

Habitat: May be found in very small ponds (even puddles), rivers and lakes.
              Community tank fish will benefit from a well planted aquarium.

Water Parameters : Most fish require soft acid water and do not easily accept
                             hard alkaline water conditions. Small water changes on a
                             weekly basis are beneficial.

Health: Several genera suffer from Oodinium – Velvet Disease which must be
            treated promptly. Small fry seem to be particularly vulnerable.

Diet: Generally prefer live foods such as Daphnia, Mosquito larvae, Bloodworm
         and Tubifex worms. Also accept frozen varieties of the live foods.
         May, given time, accept dried foods.

Plants: Most killifish, are kept in unplanted tanks.

Breeding Notes : Fertilised eggs, laid in plants or in the substrate may,
                         depending on species, need a period of semi-dehydration
                         before hatching is triggered by re-immersion.

Availability: Only a very few species are stocked by fish shops.
                   Mainly available through a specialist organisation such as the
                   British Killifish Association.

Show Class: FBAS Show Class F

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Last updated October 2016