;        >

  M (AOS Tropical           O (Guppies)(10)              P (Cultivated
       Egglayers)(9)                                               Livebearers)(7)

In the above Tents you will see video entries submitted by exhibitors in these Classes.

These will have been forwarded for Judging. The results will be returned to the
Virtual Show Secretary for ratification before the results are published here -
so you can exercise your usual right of disagreeing!


Access each Class directly by clicking on the appropriate 'Tent' above, and there
will be a forwarding and backward link to adjoining Classes at the end of each individual Class.

 Click on any on-Tank Award
  Label for Results page.
Click for
Class Winners
Click for
Judging Sheets
Don't be idle during the judging process - video your next entries!

Place cursor over for scores

Each 'Entry' can be run independently of the others. Double-clicking on a single image will produce a full-screen movie.
To study an entry longer than its running time, 'right-click' on it and select 'Loop' from the drop-down menu.
Toggle the 'Loop' control on and off as required. Slow-motion playback is also possible.
Similarly, the 'Control' bar beneath each Entry can be turned off, again by 'right-clicking' and selecting 'Hide Controls'.

Refresh rate of images will depend on the speed of your device's processor.


1. Video clips should be approximately 1 minute in length, landscape orientation.

2. Make sure that both sides of the fish are included at some point in the video.

3. To avoid ‘sending problems’, minimise file sizes by reducing ‘Resolution’.
   Aim to produce an mp4 file with a picture size of around 854 x 480 pixels
   (Windows Moviemaker does this) or, alternatively, 640 x 480 (VGA setting).

    Send large files free (up to 2GB total) by www.wetransfer.com

4. Avoid unwanted reflections when using smartphones by tilting camera slightly
   downwards. Remember smartphones are not designed for tripod use - be sure to
   avoid camera shake!

5. Place a suitable monochrome background behind the Show tank – it helps to define
   fishes with transparent fins more clearly - points deducted for garden sheds and/or wallpaper!

For full information about the FBAS, please contact:

256 Market Street, Eastleigh, Hants SO50 5QB
tel: 02380 904200 or email
Last updated January 2021