Any information, or images of place card, old Schedules, old Badges etc. would also be appreciated. There was a photographic archive set up by Colin Enright but this was lost after he passed it on to another TTAA official.
So many of the original members of the TTAA have now left the hobby, we feel this is our last chance to document the past before all contacts are lost.
Please email me at the Club's address
Thanks, Paul Barrow
The man who had it was a fish keeper of many years standing, very knowledgeable on plants, and couldn't believe what had happened. I think in the end he burned it all. It would create havoc here if it got in the waterways as it would survive in many places, especially the upper north which is semi-tropical.
It is raining again and I am home sick with some sort of tummy bug.
river in the town centre is flooding for the second time in a month and
people are being evacuated again. Roads are closed all around, as are some
schools. We have an annual rainfall of 650mm.
So far this year we have had
786mm and about 700mm of that was in the last month alone.
We have had
59.9mm in the last 24 hours. I have lived here over 45 years and never seen
rain like it. We are known as sunny Marlborough and are often named
"Sunniest town in NZ" but I doubt it this year. In another 6 months we will
probably be in the middle of a drought again.
If you want to see the before and after pics from last time:
My daughter says today the water is at the same level again. Just after they cleaned up the last mess. The photos are all of the river that runs right through the middle of our town. The stopbanks have held back most of the water so the town itself has not flooded, except in small areas. When settlers first started building, Blenheim was known as Beavertown as it flooded so often the townsfolk were often left stranded up trees, like beavers!
Caryl Simpson, Editor 'Aquarium World' FNZAS
Merseyside Aquarist Society is looking for new members.
We meet at Wavertree Cricket Club on the 2nd and 4th Mondays
in the month and have a variety of events during the year
including table shows, speakers and organised trips.
We are also holding our annual Open Show and Auction on the 15th July 2007
starting at 1pm. INFO
Please contact Gordon Kehoe on 0151 220 0212 for booking in lots.
Also contact the above number or Gillian and Philip Ravenscroft on 0151 480 2101
for meeting and membership details.
Thanks for reading this, and hope to hear from you soon. Gill Ravenscroft
Text by David Marshall
Pufferfish and Seahorse photographs by Jackie Goulder
Visit photographs by Sue & Arthur Kenworthy
When our planned February visit to Flamingo Land had to be cancelled, due to adverse weather conditions, we quickly re-arranged things with Jackie, who looks after the Aquarium, for a date which fit in with the Easter holiday period.
Joining Sue, Henry the Smith family and myself from Ryedale A.S. were several welcome 'friends' - Sue & Arthur Kenworthy (Otley A.S., who took the wonderful visit photographs which accompany this piece) Kevin Webb (A.A.G.B.) Edward and Matthew Cheatham (Huddersfield A.S.) and Jackie's friend Helen. What we have to mention at this point is that Edward had not visited Flamingo Land for many years so was absolutely enthralled from the minute he arrived at Jackie's - but there was more unexpected excitement ahead for us all.
While the others went forward, in the company of our host, Sue, young Martin (who is always good company) and I stayed back waiting for any 'late-comers'- but none arrived - before setting off along the 'scenic route' ourselves and this took us past various large birds and mammals
What an experience!
In contrast our visit to the Giraffe House was a very genteel affair and these creatures showed their very timid nature and are truly amazing. Edward was in 'dreamland' by now.
As we were so interested in what we were seeing Steve then offered us an amazing 'treat'. The Zoo's two White Rhinoceros came from a Zoological establishment in France and are, thus, quiet tame. Although separated from them by thick steel we were given the chance not only to touch their skin but to, gently, rub behind their ears and this was an experience no members of our party will ever forget.
On a real high we finally made the Aquarium and Piranha feeding time.
At last Jackie has had a 'spawning' of Kribensis and the young were happily swimming around under the protection of 'Mum'.
THANK YOU to Jackie and Steve for such a wonderful evening and for the invitation to make a return visit in August. THANKS also to Sue & Arthur for the wonderful photographs.
(oh those wonderful Wallabies) before we found the others at the Hippopotamus enclosure.
Steve, the Head Mammal Keeper, had allowed our party close access, with large metal screens creating a separating barrier, to these colossal creatures and the young male is really growing now.
This close-up you realise the strength and power they posses and how easy it must be for Hippo's to turn over small boats, as they do, in their African homeland.Now before we leave the Rhino's we must mention a female Duck who was quiet happily sitting on eggs amid all of the chaos around. She had actually tried to lay her eggs within the Rhino sleeping quarters and had to be coaxed to a more convenient spot.
New exhibits for 2006 are Dwarf Pufferfish (see top) and Giant Brazilian reidi Seahorses.
We ended an enjoyable, and memorable, evening with tea and coffee at Jackie's. Much enjoyable 'Seahorse and Zoo chatter' ensued. As always Henry thoroughly enjoyed himself and we are all starting to look forward to our next Flamingo Land visit.
We would be grateful if you could put our Club Emblem link
on the Members' Links page on the FBAS website.
I have attached the Logo to this email and hopefully you can use it
to attach it to the website as our link. Below is the web address of our site for the link.
Any problems please let me know. Thanks.
Kim Reed Newport & District Aquarist Society (Kideafish)
Adrian W Taylor,
103 The Uplands,
Cheshire WA7 2UB
Last updated October, 2008